Only 3 sleeps until Christmas!
It has been such a difficult year for us all but we wanted a way to thank our young people for always being so amazing, so last night we gave them all a little gift.
(kindly funded by Tuthill, Castle Cavendish and Nottingham Forest).
Notts CYP have had to change the way we work and Monty Hind has been different for you all; but you have adapted so well. You have all done what we have asked of you, followed the rules and signs, hand washed/sanitised, anti bac wiped everything and we have stayed safe. So, again, a huge thank you from all the staff!!!!
We hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas and whatever 2021 brings, know that we will always be here for you.
Big thank you to Tuthill, Castle Cavendish and Nottingham Forest for funding these lovely gifts, we are so grateful to all of our sponsors for their continued support.